Join Melody from GiRLiFE and hundreds of others who’ve taken the 10 day Empow{her} Challenge, a completely free class that gives you 10 tools, tips, and strategies for building up your daughter.
You’ll gain access to a quick 5 minute video
for each day that includes:
- A strategy for empowering your daughter so you can see changes in her immediately
- Tips on how to incorporate it into your day easily and without a lot of stress
- A daily challenge and quote for you
Empow{her} will teach you:
What daily activity you can model with ease that makes a big difference in her world
- How to reintroduce her to a part of her childhood that easily gets lost in the rush of busy life
- How to incorporate this surprising daily habit that will change both YOU and your daughter’s outlook on life
Each habit is simple to implement, and proven to build self-esteem, character, and well...happiness!
From the desk of Melody...
How would you feel if I told you that by first empowering yourself, you could also empower and liberate the young girls in your life?
Believe it or not, how our daughters live their lives are a direct reflection of how we move through ours. They pick up on all of our habits, ideals and yes, even our fears. Let’s create a win/win and take this opportunity to transform our own lives from the inside-out while modeling principles of self-love and creating a healthy mind and body for our emerging future generation of women.
When you take the challenge, you can join our "Business of Empowering Girls" Facebook Group where you can network with other women who are done with self-limiting beliefs and insecurities, and connect with me as well. I'd love to get to know you.
The Empow{her} Challenge is just a few minutes each day, but will cultivate confidence in the young girls in your life. Let's Empow{her} together!
xx Melody